- Interview 003: SanaSana, female, Indian (Hyderabad), 28, teacher
- Interview 004: SarahSarah, female, Bengali, 42, homemaker
- Interview 007: SamreenSamreen, female, Pakistani, 26, medical student
- Interview 009: RodinaRodina, female, Arab (Lebanese), 25, nurse
- Interview 010: FariyaFariya, female, Indian, 23, teacher
- Interview 011: SadiyaSadiya, female, Pakistani, 30, information services technician
- Interview 012: SadiaSadia, female, Pakistani, 26, lawyer
- Interview 015: SaffiaSaffia, female, Iranian, 21, student
- Interview 016: FatimahFatimah, female, Arab (Saudi), 30, student
- Interview 017: MaricelaMaricela, female, Mexican/Lebanese, 54, retired
- Interview 018: AmyAmy, female, White/Caucasian, 47, college instructor
- Interview 019: FatenFaten, female, Arab (Palestinian), 33, college instructor
- Interview 020: AyshaAysha, female, Indian, 24, accountant
- Interview 022: MariamMariam, female, Indian, 38, homemaker
- Interview 023: NoorNoor, female, Pakistani, 18, student
- Interview 027: ZuraZura, female, Pakistani, 21, student
- Interview 028: ZaynabZaynab, female, Pakistani, 18, student
- Interview 030: AtiyaAtiya, female, South Asian, 23, activist and social worker
- Interview 032: RosannaRosanna, female, Italian, 25, administrative assistant
- Interview 034: FatimaFatima, female, South Asian, 30, homemaker
- Interview 035: HinaHina, female, South Asian, 21, student
- Interview 036: RozinaRozina, female, South Asian, 37, homemaker
- Interview 038: Sa'idaSa'ida, female, White/Caucasian, 57, social worker
- Interview 039: ZahraZahra, female, South Asian, 22, student
- Interview 041: AminaAmina, female, South Asian, 52, president of women's auxiliary at local mosque
- Interview 042: MahruqMahruq, female, South Asian, 32, college instructor [Audio file missing]
- Interview 044: NabilahNabilah, female, South Asian, 34, publicist/activist
- Interview 045: SarahSarah, female, Egyptian, 36, musician/events coordinator
- Interview 046: ReginaRegina, female, African-American, 41, healthcare case coordinator
- Interview 047: SamiaSamia, female, South Asian, 26, speech pathologist
- Interview 048: Salma CherieSalma Cherie, female, White/Caucasian, 59, beautician/entrepreneur
- Interview 049: SharmeenSharmeen, female, South Asian, 23, student
- Interview 050: ShaziaShazia, female, South Asian, 34, homemaker
- Interview 051: JudithJudith, female, White/Caucasian, 57, clinical psychologist
- Interview 052: NasreenNasreen, female, South Asian, 23, legal advocate
- Interview 054: SamiaSamia, female, South Asian, 47, physician
- Interview 055: NilofarNilofar, female, South Asian, 33, development (nonprofit)
- Interview 056: KhadijahKhadijah, female, Malaysian, 26, electrical engineer
- Interview 058: FaridaFarida, female, South Asian, 52, medical technologist
- Interview 059: Hira and ReemaHira and Reema, female, South Asian, 36 and 33, students
- Interview 062: RanaRana, female, Palestinian, 27, teacher
- Interview 063: SamahaSamaha, female, Bosnian, 39, insurance and real estate agent
- Interview 064: BusaynaBusayna, female, Egyptian, born 1960's, Arabic instructor
- Interview 065: EmanEman, female, Egyptian, 29, project coordinator at health policy institute
- Interview 067: SelSel, female, Turkish, 70, retired journalist/activist
- Interview 070: HaticeHatice, female, Turkish, 41, human resources consultant
- Interview 071: SaidehSaideh, female, Persian, 37, broadcast journalist
- Interview 072: NidaNida, female, Pakistani, 31, financial analyst
- Interview 073: DenizDeniz, female, Turkish, 53, consultant
- Interview 076: WendyWendy, female, White/Caucasian, 27, makeup artist
- Interview 077: MokdumMokdum, female, Iranian, 27, makeup artist
- Interview 078: KhitamKhitam, female, Palestinian, 36, teacher
- Interview 079: ImanIman, female, Palestinian, 34, registered nurse
- Interview 080: AnneAnne, female, White/Caucasian, 29, social worker
- Interview 082: EnamEnam, female, Palestinian, 35, homemaker
- Interview 083: KhadraKhadra, female, Palestinian, 40, homemaker
- Interview 084: MaysoonMaysoon, female, Palestinian, 36, homemaker
- Interview 085: DinaDina, female, Palestinian, 33, fitness instructor
- Interview 086: HalimaHalima, female, Palestinian, 39, homemaker
- Interview 087: HasnaHasna, female, Palestinian, 42, homemaker
- Interview 088: MahaMaha, female, Palestinian, 41, homemaker
- Interview 089: YaseminYasemin, female, Turkish, 31, student
- Interview 090: WissamWissam, female, Palestinian, 25, coordinator for NGO
- Interview 091: AishaAisha, female, Palestinian, 30, financial analyst
- Interview 092: NadiaNadia, female, Iraqi, 28, student
- Interview 093: NourNour, female, Iraqi, 24, dental student
- Interview 094: CameliaCamelia, female, Palestinian, 32, salon owner/bartender
- Interview 095: FatimahFatimah, female, Palestinian, 22, student, bartender
- Interview 096: DellaDella, female, Iranian/Persian, 37, retail/attorney's office
- Interview 099: LenaLena, female, Palestinian, 27, teacher
- Interview 101: ZeenatZeenat, female, South Asian, 33, director (strategic partnerships)
- Interview 103: IbtisamIbtisam, female, Palestinian, 47, community organizer
- Interview 104: SanaaSanaa, female, Palestinian, 47, ESL teacher & citizenship/immigration services
- Interview 105: NimaNima, female, Palestinian, 24, student
- Interview 115: MaryamMaryam, female, South Asian, 24, clinic administrator
- Interview 118: MaryamMaryam, female, Arab, 35, homemaker
- Interview 123: NoelleNoelle, female, African-American, 35, physician
- Interview 124: SumayahSumayah, female, Arab, 35, teacher
- Interview 126: NadiahNadiah, female, South Asian, 28, student